Car Brand

Profiled rear bumper protector 

Steel covers for the rear bumper. The bumper cover is an exclusive accessory that will beautify your car and cover the abrasions and scratches created when using the trunk. Decorative strips are available in many versions - black, chrome, polished (inox), carbon. Each of the covers has a bend at the edge of the bumper and lateral creases. Check if we also have for your car!


Door sills 

Steel door sills. Door sills is an exclusive accessory that will beautify your car and cover previously created scratches when getting in and out of the car. The door sill trims are available in three trim versions. Each of the covers has a bend at the edge of the sill. Check if I also have one for your car!   

Profiled rear bumper protector (steel)     Profiled rear bumper protector (steel + carbon)
Door sills (steel)   Door sills (steel + carbon)